did you know that you can make emergency calls without unlocking your iPhone? When you swipe to unlock the phone and the pass code prompt pops up, tap on the bottom left button that says Emergency Call.The dialing pad will appear, and you’ll be able to call 911 (or your country’s
equivalent emergency number).
You can share just about anything from your iPhone and iPad photos, web-site links, status updates, and more. Look for the Action icon (pic 1)
when you’re in Safari or inside other apps. Tapping on the Action icon pulls up a set of sharing options such as Mail, Message, Twitter,and Facebook.You can also swipe your finger down from the top of the screen to pull down the Notification Center, from which you can post directly to Facebook and Twitter ( pic 2 )
To set up Facebook and Twitter sharing from the Notification Center, open Settings, scroll down to Facebook and Twitter, and sign in to your profiles.